

Not a real post, just a quick update today. My family doctor doesn't know what to do, so he is sending me to a cardiologist -- for my neurological problem -- we will see how that goes. I can just imagine:

Dr. Heart Man: Why are you here?
Me: Mr. Dr. Man sent me for NMH.
Dr. Heart Man: Well, I have heard of what you have, but it really is a neurological problem, not a problem with your heart.
Me: I know.
Dr. Heart Man: OK, well, I'm going to send you to a neurologist, but to make it worth your time, let's do a bunch of unnecessary tests first.
Me: Yeah, whatever.

Despite the negative sounding post, I do not blame Mr. Dr. Man. He is a good guy, and a nice Dr. Man. I just hope whatever he is thinking about is correct, and hopefully my time is not wasted. There is nothing like prolonging a condition unnecessarily. Let's also hope that Dr. Heart Man is just as nice.


Happy Birthday

...to me.

I am not a big fan of birthday celebrations. And this year is no exception. I don't want a party, I don't want a special outting. I just want it to be any day like any other day. If people want to give me money or presents, that is their choice but definitely not a requirement. --Except for Hubby, and he already gave me my present...Wii!!!

Why haven't I been attending knitting night?

In high school I was diagnosed with Neurally Mediated Hypotension. It is something that I have learned to live with over the years. Through college I was able to precisely predict episodes and prevent them. Recently however, I have been having trouble again. I am doing all the same things that have helped me during the last 10 years, but for some reason, it isn't helping as much as it should. This week I went to the doctor, had blood drawn, wore a heart monitor for 24 hours, and struggled at work. Next Monday, I go back to the doctor and find out (hopefully) what has been making me worse lately. Until then, I just have to deal with feeling bad.

Sitting for a long period at knit night just isn't a possibility right now. I would either have to keep getting up, or lay down. And there is a chance that I still won't feel well enough to be a happy, cheerful knitter. So, until this gets cleared up, or until I have a better Thursday, I will have to keep my knitting to myself -- at home, where I can lay down when I need to, and complain to my very understanding Hubby.



Yes, another posting about socks...but there's other stuff too I promise!!

First, I finished the Tapestry scarf. I am still meh about the yarn -- I like the silky feeling, but I still hate the hairy-ness. If it could only be silky without the hair. I will probably gift this, not sure yet to whom. Because after complaining about the hair, how can I push it off on some poor unsuspecting recipient?

In the spirit of recent-stitch-marker-making, I completed a set of fabulous green stars. And here is what my findings box looks like now.

I also made another set of binary stitch markers using purple and clear beads. This time I used up all four bead spots and went to 15. I have the materials to finish the first set, but have been, quite frankly, too lazy.

For the hubby, I frogged the Saffron Cables blanket...I just didn't like spending so much time per row. I love cables - I really do - I just don't love them in giant blanket form. Instead I have promised him a different blanket. One with manageable pieces. One that takes very little thought to work. Of course I decided it also needed more color...So I bought two more colors to compliment the green and TADA:

The Hubby Log Cabin is planned and started. Five center green squares are already completed, and now I just need to wait on mister mailman to bring me more yummy yarn.

What about the socks?!? Well, in anticipation of the first shipment for the Rockin' Sock Club -- I ordered yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts!

From left to right, Lemongrass, Rose Quartz, Lover's Leap, and Little Bunny Foo Foo. I LOVE them all!!!

Also in this order, two hanks for hubby in the very manly Obsidian. He has watched me fawn over Socks that Rock for many months now, and decided that he needed a pair. -- I also received the first shipment of the club, but I will leave that for a later post -- no spoilers here!


Binary Stitch Markers

Recently I have been wanting to make some stitch markers. David from Sticks & String podcast had a great tutorial on a set of binary ones. Since I am a computer scientist, I thought this was fitting! The picture is hard to see...For the zeros I used clear beads. For the ones I used pink Swarovski crystals. I only had enough beads to go to ten. Maybe today I will run out to the store and grab some more...at least enough to go to 15. These are going to be great for counting. And the thin wires makes them perfect for any type of needle, and especially great for lace work.


February is for FO's

I have a couple of FO's to post about! February was a pretty productive month for me. I decided that I would tackle my UFOs in the order of percentage already completed. This enabled me to finish more projects...which I then promptly cast on a few new ones!

Firstly, I finished and blocked the Swallowtail shawl. I think it turned out lovely -- I hope Aunt Dorothy likes it!

I finished the Lorna's Laces socks for my sister...you know, the ones that have been 95% complete for about 6 months...

Also completed are my Dreidel Jaywalkers.

For the hubby I have one sock done! I also ordered him some yummy Socks that Rock in the Obsidian color...so next up, more socks for him.

What did I start? Well, I just love the Whiskey yarns from Reynolds...so I started a fair-isle sweater from their new Contemporary Collection.

I also started a new pair of socks for me with SWTC Tofutsies yarn. Let me tell you, I LOVE this yarn. It is very light, a good summer sock yarn. Something about it makes it just wonderful.